Since 2011, the university has established a system of talent cultivation quality follow-up investigation and evaluation, through which opinions and suggestions from different perspectives, including students, teachers, graduates, and employers, can be collected continuously. The objective data and evaluation feedbacks in the different periods, from entering in the university, studying in the university, at graduation, to working after graduation, are analyzed in a long cycle, multi-perspective, verifiable way in order to find out the gap between talent cultivation practice and objectives. This work provides the reference framework for the university to deepen the education reform, improve the study program, better education-centered work, and perfect talent cultivation. Our university releases one annual report on talent cultivation quality follow-up investigation and evaluation every year.

In 2019, the university fully launched a comprehensive talent cultivation quality follow-up investigation and evaluation with a whole chain of “enrollment assessmentfreshman assessmentgrade assessmentgraduation assessmentafter-graduation follow-up assessmentemployer assessment”. This can comprehensively evaluate the growth and development of students during the whole process of talent cultivation.