Spot-check of Test Paper

Publisher:Quality Office of EducationDate Time:2019-12-26Views:104

Course assessment is an important part of teaching management and teaching quality evaluation. Through course assessment, an important means of ensuring teaching quality, students' learning effects can be objectively measured. Fair and just assessment can mobilize students' learning initiatives and enthusiasm, and stimulate their innovative spirit and creative thinking. Spot-check of undergraduate course test papers includes two tasks: test content quality evaluation and test standardization examination. During the assessment, the experts from peer universities are invited to evaluate the test content quality, and inside university experts check the standardization of the test papers.

In the test standardization examination, the test papers shall be bound in a class-based unit, with a full collection of the relevant documents, including the cover, blank test papers, standard answers, scoring criteria or course assessment requirements, score registration form, test paper analysis or course assessment summary, and student's answer sheets. The exam papers should be marked in the standard manner. The test paper scoring criteria or the scoring principles of the course assessment requirements shall be clearly set and exactly complied with. The test paper printing shall meet the relevant requirements

The test paper quality inspection requires a comprehensive evaluation of the quality of test contents and forms, the scoring criteria, and the compliance with the course objectives according to the course syllabus.